・ベルリンワークショップ-Berlin Brandenburg Workshop-
Photonics Cluster Berlin Brandenburg in Cooperation with Brandenburg Economic Development Agency (WFBB)
ドイツフォトニクスクラスターベルリン・ブランデンブルグ ワークショップ
・CUBE - 科学と園芸を対象とした新たなターンキーソリューション
Welcome and Introduction
Optics and Photonics in the German Capital Region
High-quality plant production in a plant factory with LED lighting
Photon Density Waves and Solid-State Phantoms as optical reference for fruit produce characterization
Development of novel photonic systems for agriculture: from UV LED illumination systems to portable SERDS-Raman systems
Lidar Laser Scanner Utilized in Orchards
An innovative optical sensor is the mobile light detection and ranging (LiDAR) laser scanner, which can detect the structure and the geometry of objects. In my talk I would speak about the implementation LiDAR laser scanner in precision agriculture and how this information can be used in physiological models in fruit trees.
How real-time nutrient analysis will enable global precision agriculture
Scientific and commercial cultivation of plants in CUBE/CUBE – The new turnkey solution for science & horticulture
Words of thanks and Invitation to Q&A Session at Booth
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※有料セミナー キャンセル規程:
Pascal Gudorf
Pascal Gudorf is the representative of ECOS Japan in Western Japan since April 2019, based in Fukuoka.
After completing his studies in Japanology at the University of Marburg in 2001, Pascal Gudorf spent eleven years as a press officer at the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (AHK Japan) in Tokyo, among others as head of communications and chief editor of the JapanMarkt newspaper. In 2013, he obtained the MBA from the United International Business School in Brussels. Most recently, he spent six years as a project manager in the purchasing and sales of special machines at Mitsui & Co. Germany.
Pascal Gudorf has many years of experience in PR, business consulting, contract negotiation, project management, sales and research.
He speaks fluent German, Japanese, English and French.
Roald Koch
Roald Koch is a Director for Foreign Direct Investment, Department of Industry, in the Brandenburg State Economic Development Agency (WFBB). He is covering the Asian region with a regional focus on Japan. Industry-wise he is mainly focusing on photonics and microsystems, electronics industry, energy and mobility technology and.
Brandenburg State is one of the 16 German Federal States, geographically encircling Berlin. WFBB is the state-run One Stop Agency for Investors into Brandenburg and the springboard for Brandenburg companies into foreign markets. All our services are free of charge, even the consulting in public funding schemes.
Mr. Koch holds a Master Degree in Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies and Philosophy from Bonn University as well as a Bachelor (hons.) in Management Studies from Berlin School of Economics and Law. Besides other assignments he has worked with PwC Corporate Finance and spent almost 9 years with Berlin Partner, the Berlin State Economic Development Agency.
Roland Hass
In 2013, he joined Mettler Toledo as a Consultant for in-situ Particle Systems Characterization. Also in 2013, together with Dr. Oliver Reich, he founded PDW Analytics GmbH (www.pdw-analytics.de), where he acts as managing partner. In 2016 he rejoined Potsdam University and innoFSPEC, acting as Head of the “Applied Analytical Photonics” group. innoFSPEC is a research and innovation centre pursuing multidisciplinary research in the field of optical fibre spectroscopy and sensing. The centre was created as a joint venture of the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) and the Physical Chemistry group of the University of Potsdam (Brandenburg).
Roland Hass studied Chemistry at the University of Potsdam, with research stays in Poland, Spain, and Brazil. In the group of Prof. Löhmannsröben, Physical Chemistry, at the University of Potsdam, he worked on his PhD thesis with the focus on “Applied Photon Density Wave spectroscopy”.
Neysha Lobo Ploch
Mrs. Lobo Ploch holds a Master’s degree in Physics (Specialization : Physics of Nanostructures) from University of Pune, India and a Doctorate in Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) summa cum laude from Technische Universität Berlin (Doctor thesis “Chip designs for high efficiency III-nitride based ultraviolet light emitting diodes with enhanced light extraction”).
She was guest scientist at The Leibniz Ferdinand Braun Institut Berlin and currently works as a research scientist at Technische Universität Berlin at the Institute for Solid State Physics. Since 2015 she is Chief Executive Officer at UVphotonics NT GmbH in Berlin covering besides others the areas of marketing, sales and the development of mounting technology for III-nitride based UV LEDs.
She was awarded the Leibnisz Gründerpreis (Leibniz Founder Award) for the foundation of UVphotonics NT GmbH and the Dimitri N. Chorafas Foundation Prize for her doctoral thesis.
UVphotonics offers LEDs in the UVB (280 nm - 320 nm) and UVC (<280 nm) wavelength ranges. The available standard wavelength range is 300 nm to 340 nm. LEDs with emission wavelengths of 265 nm and 230 nm are under development. On customer’s request all wavelengths are available.
Nikolaos Tsoulias
Mr. Tsoulias holds a BSc (Agricultural Engineering) from Agricultural University of Athens /Department of Natural Resources Management & Agricultural Engineering and a MSc in Precision Farming from Harper Adams University (UK) (Thesis title“A display of foliage coverage in 3 dimensions by using a 2D terrestrial LiDAR scanner”) Besides his studies he has worked as a Research Scientist at Harper Adams University on Developing software in Visual Studio for 2D LIDAR scanners to obtain data in 3 dimensions in real time.
He has further work experience include the Hellenic National commission for UNESCO in Greece and recently the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) in Potsdam, Germany in Aqua C+ project, operating remote sensing sensors and unmanned aerial vehicles (drone) in order to characterize the spatial variability of canopy in cherry trees and observe the spatial distribution of soil electrical conductivity.
At present he is a Research Scientist in Primefruit project in ATB, operating LiDAR sensor and allometric models to predict yield capacity in fruit. In 9/7/2017-till now am doing my PhD in ATB in affiliation with Agricultural University of Athens/Department of Natural Resources Management & Agricultural Engineering, fully funded by ATB Leibniz Institute. My thesis title is: “Acquiring spatial and temporal information from fruit trees using remote and proximal sensing to investigate their influence in yield and quality using physiological models“.
In June 2018 he was awarded as an ‘Outstanding Graduate Student’ by the International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA) in Montreal, Canada.
Dominic Roth
Dominik Roth is the CEO and Co-founder of Stenon GmbH in Potsdam, a startup company focusing on new technologies for on-site sensor technology. Stenon’s on-site sensor technology allows the user to analyse the soil as often as he intends to do so and receive immediate results on-site and with laboratory precision. Instant access to soil data will help to optimize the soil health and overall cultivation.
Prior to his time with Stenon he worked as a Business and Development Manager for conichiwa (Berlin) developing disruptive software solutions blue chip companies.
Mr Roth holds a M. Sc. - degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Applied Sciences, Berlin (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin) and a B.Sc. - degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Applied Sciences Saarbrücken (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken).
Richard Appel
Richard Apple has early in his career focused on providing technical solutions to problems occurring in the industry. Already during his studies he focused on the development of an adaptive LED control to simulate given light spectra and since then he has worked in the field of software-based control of LED lighting systems.
Christoph von Studzinski
Christoph von Studzinski is a highly qualified process and quality manager with 8 years of consulting experience in industry and 10 years of experience in university quality research. His focus is on the development, monitoring, evaluation and continuous improvement of horticultural processes. His work focuses on achieving the highest standards according to ISO, GMP and HACCP.
Roald Koch
Roald Koch is a Director for Foreign Direct Investment, Department of Industry, in the Brandenburg State Economic Development Agency (WFBB). He is covering the Asian region with a regional focus on Japan. Industry-wise he is mainly focusing on photonics and microsystems, electronics industry, energy and mobility technology and.
Brandenburg State is one of the 16 German Federal States, geographically encircling Berlin. WFBB is the state-run One Stop Agency for Investors into Brandenburg and the springboard for Brandenburg companies into foreign markets. All our services are free of charge, even the consulting in public funding schemes.
Mr. Koch holds a Master Degree in Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies and Philosophy from Bonn University as well as a Bachelor (hons.) in Management Studies from Berlin School of Economics and Law. Besides other assignments he has worked with PwC Corporate Finance and spent almost 9 years with Berlin Partner, the Berlin State Economic Development Agency.